Biology and AP Biology students have spent the last week or so dissecting organisms that express different complex developments and adaptations to their environments. So far, dissection labs have included Phylum Annelida (earthworms), Class Insecta (grasshoppers), Phylum Echinodermata (starfish), Subphylum Vertebrata (perch), and Class Amphibia (frogs). In the photo, Biology student Arlette Garcia shows off her masterfully dissected perch specimen.
Dissections were a lot of fun as well as informative. I got to open up a lot of interesting creatures like a starfish, a grasshopper, a perch, an earthworm, and a frog. The girls on my team had me doing all the cutting because they were scared to touch the specimens. Overall, It was a fantastic learning experience that not too many people get the chance to do because many schools don't allow dissections anymore.
Judith Dye
Dissecting all of the specimens were interesting to me. The smell was unholy but it was cool for the most part. My favorite was the earthworm, because it was less messy and stinky. Over all I felt the dissections were fun and I felt very trusted by being able to use all the tools givin on my own.
Dissections were great i loved dissecting discovering things about an animal that I have never knew about. My favorite dissection was the frog because I found out that frogs got parts inside of them just like we do. I have another favorite dissection and that was the star fish because it was very rare it smelled weird and it had jelly inside of it i think that was it's blood but this is the first lab i enjoyed.... Gribbin
Dissecting is the process of disassembling and observing something to determine its internal structure. It can also act as an aid to discerning the function and relationships of its components. In biology class the last few weeks my peers and I have been disecting different organisms that express different complex developments and adaptations to their environments. We have dissected all of the following organism this year Phylum Annelida (earthworms), Class Insecta (grasshoppers), Phylum Echinodermata (starfish), Subphylum Vertebrata (perch), Class Amphibia (frogs), and an owl pellet. Like any child i have come across a frog, grasshopper, and an earth worm before but I never knew so much about some of the above organisms or was even able to get that close to them. I learned a lot the last few weeks about different organisms their body structure and body functioning systems. I enjoyed the hands on learning experience and would love to do it again.
Science has always been my favorite subject for as long as can remeber but I was never really all that good at it. This year as a sophmore I was required to take biology. I thought it would be easy at first, especially when I met ms. Karen Thomas who seemed to be an easy going educator. My first impressions of the class and my teacher Ms. Thomas were proven very wrong as the year progressed. Ms. Thomas as I had infered was an easy going teacher. She ran our class like a college professor would seeing as how we our a college prepatory school. Ms. Thomas taught a lesson gave an assignment that followed and assigned homework. Seems pretty simple and easy right...wrong! Well although I wasn't in the tough A.p biology class and didn't have to take a test at the end of the year biology still was a challenge for me. The homework was hefty and although the work wasn't hard it was plentiful. I made the mistake of socializing and fooling around instead of putting work and effort into my homework and class work. I payed attention in class but I didn't devote enough time to my school work outside the classroom. Last year in science I had Ms. Morson as a science teacher, and she was a pusher. Ms. Morson pushed her students to produce the work she knew they could, which is how I passed physical science last year. Ms. thomas as I've said is an easy going person and runs her class like a college course and did not push anyone. At one point and time I came to the conclusion that she just didn't care about her students like Ms. Morson does. But now that another school year has gone by I've matured and learned a lesson I will never forget. Ms. Thomas cares about her students but she does it through tough love. She relizes that if you want to suceed in life you have to be the one to take the inatiative and take your future into your own hands and do with it what you will. Ms. Thomas's job is not to make sure you suceed in life and push you to produce the work she knows you can, but to simply give you the tools to suceed. an old saying goes like this If you give a man a fish he will eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime. If I knew then what I know now I would have definently tried harder in biology. I am a very inteligent, articulate, young man but I put friends, girls, and all of thee above that shouldn't have come before my education. To sum things up I didn't have my priorities in order but next year I will do better and produce quality work and put my best efforts forward.
This year we learned a lot about different organisms, animals and the human body. My favorite topic that we studied was the Animal Kingdom, kingdom Animilia to be exact. I've become sort of a little expert in this particualr topic. Although the animal kingdom is extremely diverse, its members share a number of characteristics, as follows:
1. All animals are multicellular
2. All animals are heterotrophic
3. The dominant generation in the life cycle of animals is the diploid generation.
4.MOst animals are motile during atleast some part of their life cycle.
5. Most animals undergo a period of embryonic developement during which two or three layers of tissue form.
The diversity of animals originates from varations in the following characteristics:
Tissue complexity, Body symmetry, cephalization, Gastrovascular cavity, coelom, segmentation, and protostomes. I became very interested in Kingdom animilia because I did a project on it once in seventh grade. I really like studying and learning about this topic because it realtes to how unlikely animals share a relationship that is pretty unexpected at first glance.
Dissecting was fun for me. I had a lot of fun cutting open all the organisms, especially the fish. I got a chance to see and feel what we were learning in class. Its always one thing to see a diagram but to be able to see the organism in 3D is another. When I was younger I always wanted to dissect a frog, only because everyone else talked about it. Cutting open a frog sounded like fun every time my cousin would tell me about it, even the gross parts.
When I finally dissected the frog I didn’t even touch it, not because I couldn’t but because I didn’t want to. Going through a frog at that time wasn’t as intriguing to me as before. So in the end I didn’t dissect a frog after all and I’m ok with that. The time I did get to dissect I felt trusted and able to handle myself. I enjoyed this part of biology very much.
My thoughts on dissection is I think the organism we dissected were smelly and gross I didn't enjoy at all until I had to learn a little more about the creature's history then that part was kinda exciting as well as watching Anyea cut the frog and the other stuff open I started to cut the frog then got really sick to my stomach but at least I gave it a good try but altogether the dissection was great I just wish we would got the chance to do a pig.
The dissections were the best labs of the year. I liked them because we could make them up and I learned a lot form them. I learned that all species are in a specific kingdom and phylum and I learned that perch are just another name for fish.
My favorite dissection of al of the all was the frog. I liked it because I acually got to be the group member who dissected it and it had the most organs. The only thing i didn't like about the frog is that it smelled really bad.
The dissection lab was okay. I must admit it was very disgusting and I only did it for a grade.
The dissections were great but gross, I was afaird that I might cut myself (or someone else). But, then I started to use the book for the dissection. I was happy when it was over b/c I didn't like seeing animals on the the cutting table, but I got through it. I learned alot, and I hope I never have to do it again!
I say disections made a differrence in biology. It made it fun to do, kept students on task and everything else a student would need to do while doing work.
Demetrius Bernard
Disections were probaly the most anticipated part of the Biology course. It was a very fun course to take part of. My favorite disection would have to be Grasshoper. Overall, I thank Ms. Thomas, because these disectios gave us a chance to bring our grade up! Thank you Ms. Thomas
The dissection labs that we have completed over the past 2 weeks were very exciting. My favorite has to be the grass hopper, that was my favorite because it was the most interactive and I learned the most from it. My least favorite was the frog since we did not really get to dissect anything, I was hoping to see a frog and open it up. Overall mostly all of the dissection labs were fun and interactive they all taught me a lot of information. I was the dissector for my group and I felt good about that, my group members really kept me on task too.
Doing all these labs made me wonder that I can't pick one to be the best because all were the best because they were different.The fish was the one that look ugly and body parts was nasty.I didn't like the starfish because I didn't want to cut it open.To me I think all was the best and hope pass all of them.I hope I get to do it again.
Dissecting was interesting to me.
It was great, I was afraid in the beginning, they were gross, especially I didn't like the frog, because it smelled really bad, the whole room smelled. I learned a lot from dissecting them, it was my first time in my life!!
I thought dissecting things were cool it was a lot of other girls who were grossed out by the dissecting but not me. It was very interesting to know what was inside these things we dissected I also thought it was cool to see the inside of frog legs and to know that people eat that. Overall it was a fascinating experiment period and I'm happy that I got a chance to do this.
I think that the dissections were very fun and interesting. I kept most of the class enganged for the most part. My favorite one was the owl pellet, because it was something very new to me. I never knew that a owl pellet could hold access bones & stuff from the prey that they ate.
The dissections were very exciting.It was definitely something that wanted to do for a really long time.At first i was scared to open the specimens but i sucked it up and had fun.Even thought the smells were unbearable i would like to do the dissections again.
Dissections were nasty point blank. They was interesting but I would have rather not had to touch any o f them. Even though I was only physically able to do the earthworm and the owl pellet, I believe i got a great learning experience. I hope that next year the tenth graders will have as much fun in biology as we did
The dissections that we did these past couple of weeks were very exciting. I got a chance to see the inside of different animals. But my most favorite one of all was the starfish.
What I thought about the dissecting is that it was very nasty and it was funny but I really just did the questions in the group not much touching of the dead animals. I would like to do that again it was ok
Michell'e [I cant sign in]
What I thought about the dissecting is that it was very nasty and it was funny but I really just did the questions in the group not much touching of the dead animals. I would like to do that again it was ok
Tihira Johnson
Dissections were alot of fun. I really enjoyed cutting open the frogs, grasshoppers, starfish, the perch, earthworm, and doing the packet on the owl pellet. I think that these were all great labs. I also think that it was very interesting that we got to see what the inside of these small creatures look like. My favorite dissection was when we cut open the perch, this was my favorite one because I can not stand fish so cutting it open made me feel so much better that I got to cut it open and stab all of the organs after completing the lab itself. The worst lab was cutting open the earthworm because it was so discusting it had all of that nasty soil and " poop" inside of it I really hated that lab but overall it was a great experience for me.
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